“Deny Self”

by Dianne Prince

“And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:27, NKJV).

If following Jesus gets us in trouble, then trouble is exactly where we ought to be. If taking a stand for righteousness leaves us unpopular and alone without a friend in the world, we should not let it bother us, because we will be better off without those kinds of friends. If what we believe about Christ and His cross makes us the object of ridicule and scorn, let the world laugh at us, talk about us, or even turn their back on us.

In our scripture today, Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. He tells us to die to self and fully surrender to the ways of God. In other words, we are to exercise self-discipline in our everyday living, honor God, and uplift His people in every decision we make, by every word we speak and through every action we take.

Every time you take a stand for righteousness and every time you lift the name of Jesus, you are carrying your cross. Every time those who are unsaved reject you, you are carrying your cross. Every time people mistreat you, talk about you, condemn you, or deny you, you are carrying your cross.  Every time you step up and do what others will not do, go where others dare not go, or speak up for what is right when others remain silent, you are carrying your cross. Every time you reach down to pick somebody up, every time you stretch forth your hand to help somebody go through, or every time you give to help the poor and needy, you are carrying your cross. And most of all, every time you tell dying men and women about the living Savior of the world, you are carrying your cross.

Carry your cross well today. Carry it with patience and with dignity. How? Approach today with an attitude of self-sacrifice. Trust that God is with you amid your challenges. Believe that He always has a plan in the midst of your suffering. Fully put your trust in Him amid disagreements with other people, amid mistreatment by other people, and amid the attacks on your character. Deny yourself. Take up your cross and follow Jesus.