“My God Is Moving”

By Dianne Prince

“When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?’ He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do” (John 6:5-6, NIV).

In any given day, we all are confronted with at least one problem that needs to be addressed or at least one issue that needs to be resolved. The feeding of the 5000 with two fish and five loaves illustrates to us how to solve problems God’s way.

1) We must first believe that God has a solution to our problem no matter how impossible it seems.  We are reminded often of how the solution to any problem we face can be found in the Bible. It may take some searching. It may take some digging and sometimes it may take some fasting and praying, but the answer is there.

2) Once we believe that God has a solution to our problem, we must look at what we have to work with – the disciples had two fish and five loaves. If our belief is wavering, the Bible says, ask God to help us believe. And He will do just that.

3) Once we believe that God has a solution and once we determine what we have to work with, we then turn over the little that we have to Christ. Jesus took the fish and bread, held it up toward heaven and gave thanks for the little they had.

4) Once we turn it over to God, we are to listen for God’s guidance and do what He tells us to do. Jesus told the disciples to seat the people in groups and serve them. Because of their obedience, all the people ate until they were full and had a surplus left over.

The reminder for you today is this: as you are confronted with the issue of the day, as you look around, you may not have anything to work with. You may not have any resources and you may not have an open door to lead you out. But you have prayer. So, ask God to help you and believe that God can handle it. Turn things over to Him. Follow His instructions. Rest in His promises and wait on Him to fix things.

When you handle problems God’s way, you will see Him move in ways that you did not expect. Be reminded that Jesus already knows what He is going to do about your problem. While you are trying to figure it out, God has already put a plan in motion to work things out. Your belief that He can do the impossible will activate His hand.